What can you do with Images
on this Site?
All photographs on this web
site are the copyright © of Edmund Nagele
F.R.P.S. As you have made the effort to check the copyright page you are herewith granted
additional rights to the ones stated on my opening home-page: You have the right to use
the images in limited applications (see below), but not the right to distribute, sell or
use the images in any other way.
You have the right to use the images in comps, layouts for in-house
presentations, rough draft designs for your clients, story-boards, or other comps for
yourself or your customers.
That is the full extent of
reproduction rights that are granted.
For all other uses, you must
obtain a chargeable reproduction licence by contacting
the author of the work, Edmund Nagele F.R.P.S.
Without such a reproduction licence you are not permitted to use the images for
advertising, brochures, editorial publications, public multimedia presentations or any
other uses. You may not sell, publish, license or otherwise distribute any of the
photographs. You may not place copies of the images on electronic bulletin boards or any
other web sites.
When using images in comp layouts, keep in mind that the copyright belongs to
Edmund Nagele F.R.P.S. who created the images. If your design work involves
manipulation of the photographs or changing them in any other way, you may be creating
Derivative Work (i.e. anything derived from one or several original(s).
Under the US copyright Act, the creator of the original work also owns the
copyright to all works derived from the original. Therefore, if all or part of
your work is seen as having been derived from the original photograph(s), you do not own
the copyright to the derivative work, just as you do not own the copyright to the original
Edmund Nagele
reserves the right to pursue any unauthorised use of any image downloaded
from this site. Violation of Edmund Nagele's intellectual property may be
liable for: actual damages, loss of income and any profits you derive from
the use of such image and where appropriate, all costs of collection and/or
statutory damages up to GBP 50,000.
Photography &
art related sites only may link to
www.nagele.co.uk, www.nagelestock.com,
www.bigshot.de.vu and
www.stockphotography.org.uk. You may not link to a specific page or image
without written consent.
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Edmund Nagele is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain